client and project list
- 1973 Calendar
- Access Energy Corporation
- AirTrain JFK Advisories
- AirTrain JFK Bus Emergency Service
- AirTrain JFK Fare Gate Info
- AirTrain JFK Platform Interactive Map
- Allstar Inns
- Alteon, a Boeing company
- America’s Disabled Veterans
- Andersonville Memorial & Prison Camp
- Apollo Melkprodukten
- Archer Daniels Midland Company
- Banco de Bogota
- Bellsouth corporate typeface
- Book cover design
- British Petroleum
- Building a better Terminal B
- Carlsbad Caverns
- CCSVI Alliance
- Centerre Bank
- Chanon Enterprises
- China Packaging Corporation
- Cleanstreet USA
- Conrad International Hotels
- Continental Airlines
- Daewoo Motors
- Delta Werken Zeeland
- Den Bosch County Council
- Dendreon
- Diversity Initiatives Group
- Economic Council of Gelderland
- Edgemont Capital Partners, LP
- Enviroplan Consulting
- EOS Airlines
- EUI Booklets
- EUI Christmas Card
- Eumeria Steel
- Fundamentals of Karate-Do
- Gold Points
- Grand Street BID
- Grand Teton National Park
- Hans Appenzeller
- HealthScout
- Hermes
- iKey
- International System of Units
- Irving Oil
- Jacob’s Ladder Trail Scenic Byway
- Jacob’s Ladder Trail Scenic Byway Exhibit
- Jamaica Station Construction Wall
- Jamaica Station Subway Area Signs
- Kancamagus Scenic Byway
- KiZ (for JC Penney)
- Kruisheren Kollege
- LaGuardia Airport P10 Map
- LeBoeuf Lamb
- Leyden Energy
- Leyden Energy website
- Lightspeed
- Made in America
- Metropolitan Transportation Authority
- Midden-Brabant Insurance
- Midwest Airlines
- Mitsubishi Bank
- Moda Modern Living
- Municipal Arts Society of New York
- Mutual of America
- National Australia Bank
- National Football League
- Nederlands Book & Lectuur Centrum
- New Infrastructure Advisors
- New York Terminals
- Norstar Bancorp
- North Fork Bank
- Pamela Jenrette – Hair & Makeup
- PANYNJ New York Airport Tearsheets
- Parallelas
- PC&C Personal Computing & Communications
- Port Authority AirTrain JFK and EWR Websites
- Port Authority AirTrain JFK Map
- Promise of Permanency
- Quarterdeck
- Queens Museum
- RedMax, Komatsu Zenoah
- Research Management in Europe Today
- Road Advertising
- Scios
- Sendyne
- Shleppers Moving & Storage
- Singer Sewing Machine Company
- Smart Battery System
- SMBus
- Sonat
- Sonifi Solutions, Inc
- Soundview Financial Group
- Spek & van den Beld
- Stuyvesant Cove Park
- Super 8 Motels
- Super8
- The Automobile in American Life
- The Cheaper & Faster Way
- The Dime Savings Bank of Williamsburgh
- The Heart Institute
- The Hudson River Ice Industry
- The Joint Commission
- The shop at Carnegie Hall
- Ticonderoga: The Place Between Two Waters
- Tradition & Vision
- Transportation Alternatives
- TurboCord / AeroVironment
- Twice Daily
- Twice Daily Gasoline
- USX Corporation
- Valentine Riverside Museum
- Van Mierlo Logistic Services
- Visuray
- VOmax
- Washington Heritage Trail
- Wilma Building Contractors
- World Cup USA
- Zuid-West Nederland
- Zuidooster
Onoma, in Greek, means simply name. We believe in keeping design simple and straight-forward, because simple approaches, consistently applied, provide the greatest opportunity for success.
Onoma is a small, very hands-on and cost-effective design firm based in the New York Flatiron District, specialized in translating identity strategies into comprehensive brand identity programs, as well as developing interpretive programs of historical and nature related subject matter into informative multi-sensory experiences.
about the partners
After over 10 years working together, their collective strength lies in the diversity
of projects they produce and their innovative approach for executing cost-effective programs that achieve the objectives of their clients.
Onoma has received public and critical acclaim as well as numerous design awards. Together, the partners bring expertise and talent across a broad spectrum of disciplines and subjects to the clients they serve locally, nationally and worldwide.

Ileana brings 20 years of experience designing interpretive exhibits, wayside and wayfinding programs, interiors, and environmental graphics. Most recently, her projects include: Why is Ticonderoga Here? – an exhibit featuring the town's industrial heritage; Port Authority of NY&NJ – information design for NYC airports, including the new AirTrain JFK and EWR maps, Cheaper/Faster Way campaign, advisory animations, and the AirTrain JFK interactive kiosk program; NFL – exhibit and environmental program at their NYC headquarters; and Stuyvesant Cove Park wayside system. Other credits include: Kancamagus Scenic Byway, NH; Jacob’s Ladder Trail Scenic Byway Exhibit, MA; Andersonville Natl. Historic Site, GA; Grand Teton Natl. Park, CO; and Eos Airlines interiors, NY. Ileana has a BFA from the Institute of Design in Venezuela, and an MFA from RISD. Her work has been published in Print Magazine and Casebooks, AIGA Annual, ID, and in Designing & Planning Environmental Graphics.

Roger van den Bergh has been designing corporate identity programs since finishing his industrial design training in the Netherlands in the early seventies. Most recent clients include The Heart Institute of New York, the CCSVI Alliance, a Multiple Sclerosis advocacy group, Boston, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York and Sendyne Corp.(develops complete battery management system designs for large-scale batteries used in grid level storage and traction applications) and Leyden Energy, Fremont, CA.
He is a contributor at “Identity Forum”. Most recent articles:\